Sunday, February 5, 2017

Shining Star

It was the Thanksgiving of 2007 when my grandmother pulled me aside to talk to me. "I want to give you something," she said quietly but very seriously. She pulled out a box and told me to open it. It was a necklace with hearts and a star in the middle. I read the back of the star and it read, "Granddaughter, you are my shining star". I wasn't sure of why I was receiving a gift so close to Christmas, but I never questioned a gift from my grandmother. Christmas passed by filled with family, cheer and love and I started to wear my gift every day.

A few days into the January that followed, my grandmother fell ill and cancer spread throughout her body. She had been diagnosed with cancer 8 years prior but had been in remission for a number of years. The cancer was aggressive and took over her body quickly. She later went into hospice and passed away. Before she passed however, I was able to spend some time with her. She encouraged me to be good and never forget what was on my necklace.  It was my reminder that no matter what happened she would always be by my side.

I continue to live my life as her shining star. Although it is not always easy, I know that no matter where I am she is with me. The motivation to make her proud helped me to graduate high school and now move on to graduating college. I still wear my necklace every day and I am reminded of her love and compassion.


  1. This is so sweet. Grandparents always leave the biggest and most important marks on our hearts. I've always noticed you wearing that necklace and I am so glad I know the story behind it. I'm so proud of you and am missing you everyday!

  2. Thank you for sharing this Taylor! My grandmother left a huge impact on me as well and can definitely relate.

  3. Same with Makinzi-always noticed the necklace but never knew the meaning behind it! Thank you for sharing!
