Sunday, February 26, 2017

Candor Marble Works

I'd love to say that this was a beautiful breathtaking place, but it wasn't really that aesthetic as the name kind of suggests. I liked knowing more of the history surrounding the building though. It's something I drive by every day without ever really noticing it. An oldish, abandoned building.

The company "Candoro" was named after all of the founders which I though was neat. Using all of the founders and co-founders' last names
Cool, right?

Another cool tidbit was that the marble that was cut here was used in the construction of the Smithsonian Museum of History and Technology and in the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.! Knoxville is spreading its ripple effect all across the country folks.


  1. Maybe under new direction the building can be cleaned up to live up to its name and full potential! We'll have to keep an eye on it now that we know it's there :)

  2. I thought the name thing was really cool, too.
