Saturday, February 25, 2017

Marble City

Just doing a quick read about the Candoro Marble Company taught me many things I had not known about Knoxville. It is interesting that it has been called marble city due to its' boom in the marble industry in the few years after the civil war. The marble developed here in Knoxville that had a pinkish color became known as "east Tennessee marble." The building was constructed back in 1927 and still stands in its marble structure, showing just how strong the material is. Unfortunately when going I was not able to see the inside, but did have the chance to see the building and its surrounding areas. The building is a nice white color with beautiful arches. The surrounding area however is not very aesthetic. It is full of old run down abandoned buildings that appeared to have been factories. Its location in South Knoxville was no coincidence as there is a railway nearby. I find it very interesting that the name "Candoro" comes from the first letters of the names of the three founders of the company. Once the use of marble declined after World War Two, the company was forced to close in 1982.

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