Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Twisting Story of The Time Warp Tea Room

Laying in bed on a Saturday afternoon, I think about all the things I should be doing with my life besides resting. I make a mental checklist of all my homework that needs to be done and decide to pick the most fun item off the list and do it. That item just so happened to be visiting a local coffee shop. I pick up my charging cell phone and search coffee in Google Maps. Those results did not satisfy my yearn for a unique and distinct experience so I decide to search coffee shops. I glance through the list and see Time Warp Tea Room. I briefly scroll thorough the menu to verify that they serve coffee products so that I can be sure to fulfill the requirements of the assignment. Once I am sure they do, I grab my purse and keys and leave my snug and comfy apartment bed and set out to find the currently mysterious tea room.

I make the final left onto North Central Street and select one of the only available on street parking spaces. I look to the right to clearly establish which suite is the one I am searching for and locate Time Warp Tea Room to my left. I exit my vehicle and cross the street and look up at the sign that states the name of the name of the business and begin taking pictures. 

The physical location was not what I expected to be. Looking through the glass that outlined the front of the establishment I see lots of things, many of which were pertaining to motorcycles.

I take a few more pictures and walk through the front door, on which said open. 

I walk in and see one person sitting at a big circular table in the middle of the room.

I begin to look around and the lady sitting begins to get up and walk behind the counter. I ask her, “Are you all are still open?” And she replies, “We are open until eight.” I stare at the menu knowing good and well that I do not drink coffee, but something was telling me try it since you never have before.

I order a small iced vanilla latte. The not-so-talkative lady starts to create my first coffee beverage ever. I hand her my card, tell her thank you, and look around while deciding to take a seat at the table. 

I look down at the latte and the smell of coffee alone was not appetizing to me. 

I take a few more pictures, get up from my seat, tell the lady thank you once more, and leave. 

I go sit in my car and sniff the beverage again which still made my face form a repelling look, but I still decided to take a sip. It was disgusting. Not because of who made the drink, but because I knew that I did not like coffee. The sip confirmed it and now I can take this report back to my best friend. I’m sure the rich smell of vanilla mixed with the fresh coffee beans would attract any coffee lover. (Also, Time Warp Tea Room only serves two tea products.)


  1. The Time Warp Tea Room looks unique, and I was reading about it I was thinking, "Oh, this seems like a cool/interesting place to go visit!", but I'm glad you mentioned they only offered two tea products because I do not drink coffee. Looks like I will just admire the tea room from your pictures instead of visiting, haha!

  2. The design of the time warp tea room is cool and gives a great vibe! I prefer tea over coffee so this post really interested me and I will definitely be trying it out!
