Sunday, January 29, 2017

First Time for Everything

I can't/don't drink coffee so I am not a frequenter of coffee shops, but my friends and I were looking for something to do yesterday afternoon so we ventured off to K Brew!  I had never been to K Brew (or any Knoxville coffee shop for that matter), but I had heard a lot about how cool it was so I was excited to experience it for myself.  Like I said, I'm not a coffee drinker, and I was hoping to get a chai tee latte or maybe matcha tea, but there weren't many non-coffee options so I went for the Jasmine tea. It was not my favorite, but I did, however, enjoy the chia seed pudding they had! When we went the garage type doors were open so you could sit inside and still have fresh air! We went with the intention of playing cards, but all of the tables were taken.  Honestly, K Brew was pretty packed! We looked around because none of us had been there, but didn't end up getting to stay.  I really liked the hammocks and wished I had brought homework or a book to read.  Even though we did not get to play cards or stay like we had hoped, I liked the atmosphere at K Brew and plan to go back soon with homework in tow!  All in all, it was a fun experience and made me realize I should really try out other local coffee shops even if coffee is not my thing!

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