Sunday, March 26, 2017

Gabrielle Buuck

A little over two weekends ago on March 17th Gabrielle Buuck opened her first art show at the 1010 gallery on the 100 Block of Gay Street. That night dozens of people came to admire a collection of prints Gabrielle made. They included Woodcut relief prints, linocuts, screen prints, and a few installation pieces like the one above. The show was well received by not only family and friends but by other gallery owners in knoxville's arts district. One even expressed desire for her to install similar work in the Emporium. After the show I had the privilege of interviewing the artist. Upon asking her how she felt after opening night she responded: "After all of the hours spent working on the show I was just relieved everything was finished, so I was unprepared for the emotion of opening night. People from all aspects of my life came to support me and for three hours covered me with words of encouragement, affirmation, and genuine interest in my work. Strangely, hearing how wonderful and talented you are from your closest people is an extremely humbling experience. I've never felt such a deep gratitude."

Gabrielle is a born and raised Knoxvillian; a Bearden high school graduate where she was the president and secretary of the school's National Art Honor Society chapter. At the University of Tennessee she studies printmaking as a Fine Arts Education Major. In November of last year, Gabbie distinguished herself by being awarded opportunity to showcase her work at the 1010 gallery. Titled Everything Bends to the Bloom,  her show was a series of prints she made that expressed "exploration of thought pattern through printmaking." 

In the near future, Gabrielle is traveling to Japan where she will have opportunity to learn and experience Japanese printmaking as well as other types of Japanese art. After returning from her trip she plans to show work drawn from her time in Japan at a gallery space on the 100 Block. 

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