Sunday, January 29, 2017

Two Friends, One Coffee Shop

*Read in English accent*
It was a cold, dreary Monday afternoon when my roommate Carson and I decided to embark on a quest for the best coffee in all of Knoxville. Usually I am not one to partake in the caffeinated rejuvenation that is coffee. The inherently bitter taste and thicker viscosity normally persuades me to partake in something a little crisper and lighter (perhaps an ice cold domestically-brewed pilsner #USA). However, seeing as darkness was nigh and, thus, the subsequent chiller, brisker air was upon us, I forwent the alcoholic carbonated elixir to which I am normally accustomed. Instead, Carson and I pioneered ourselves into the world of coffee and found ourselves delighting in the delectable warmth of coffee’s welcoming embrace. We ventured into a place that the local natives call “North Knoxville” and found quite the sight. “Remedy”, so they call it, isn’t the easiest coffee shop to find, but, oh my, was the journey worth it. Travelling into this neighborhood, right on the cusp of gentrification, nicer buildings, and thusly higher prices (which almost directly cause the lower-income natives to saddle up and venture even farther from the city’s center and their workplaces, furthering the difficulties it takes to be a low-income family in this day and age). Ah, the joys of gentrification. I digress; the coffee shop was quite exquisite. Barn wood and vintage decorations inside the shop almost make you feel as if you grew up in a simpler time, where people worked with their hands and talked to one another instead of seeing our illuminated faces stuffed into our electronic handheld devices 24/7. Ick! Can you imagine? Still, the charm of the place was wonderful and the coffee! Well, actually, it was pretty decent. Service was okay. 7/10.
-Patrick Darby, Yelp Reviewer

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