Sunday, January 29, 2017

Getting into the Swing of Things

Moment of truth: Katie Wright does not drink coffee, never have and never will (or at least that is the case for now). However, I am aware that a lot of people consume coffee by the gallon every day and Knoxville is readily equipped to handle this demand.

I decided to head over to K Brew to figure out what their secret is. I also decided to go to K Brew because of the hammock swings...I am a child, I know. I drive past K Brew every time that I head to Kickstand to work on my Capstone project and this time I pulled into their driveway and parked my car.

When I entered, the smell of coffee was instantaneous. Even though I do not drink coffee, the smell of coffee is a pleasant one. The shop was full and had a certain appeal to it-wooden tables and chairs, couches and most importantly, the hammock swings.

I brought two of my roommates along for the adventure and we talked and sat in the chairs for a good amount of time. The garage door was open allowing the cold air into the hammock swing room so it was a tad chilly. I walked around on the turf and picked out the perfect swing. How did I know it was a perfect swing? It had a heat lamp directly above it...if that isn't customer service and putting your customers first, than I do not know what is! I sat down in that swing and extended my legs out and my roommates did the same. I rocked back and forth and the hammock automatically spun in circles with the slightest of movements. But don't worry, I did not swing or spin too much because the sign on the wall told me not too...

I enjoyed the atmosphere and the bustle never died down. This is a place that I plan to return to once the weather figures out how to be warm again.

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